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Latest IELTS Speaking questions November 2019


2019-11-27Part 1

  1. Where do you study?

  2. Why did you choose that subject?

  3. Is there something that helps you to study efficiently?

  4. Who is more important for you, lecturers, or friends?

  5. What do you like the most about your studies?

  6. What facilities do university provide?

  7. Is there anything you want to change in your university?

2019-11-27Part 1

  1. Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?

  2. Do people drink a lot of tea and coffee in your country?

  3. Do you often go out for tea or coffee?

  4. Would you invite a friend to drink tea or coffee?

  5. When did you last time drink tea or coffee?

  6. In your country, what do you offer to the guests, tea or coffee?

2019-11-27Part 1

  1. When do you smile the most?

  2. When did you last see a bunch of people smiling?

  3. How can you identify a fake smile?

  4. Do you often smile when taking photos? Why?

2019-11-27Part 2

Describe a place you remember well and it was colorful.

You should say:

  • where it is

  • what it is like

  • what it is used for

  • and explain why you remember it well.

2019-11-27Part 2

Describe something which you borrowed was useful.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • when you borrowed

  • who you borrowed from

  • and explain why it was useful.

2019-11-27Part 3

  1. What are the most common colours which people use to decorate houses in your country? Why?

  2. Are there any differences between males and females when it comes to interior color preferences? Why?

  3. How do colours in the room affect people’s mood?

  4. Does the colour of merchandise have an influence on shopping habits? Why?

  5. Do you think textbooks should be colorful?

  6. What do you think about colored advertisements on roads?

  7. Do any colours have a significant meaning in your culture?

  8. Are colours important in advertisements?

2019-11-27Part 3

  1. How often do people borrow things from you? Why? What are they?

  2. Why do some people get things without owner's permission?

  3. Do you think people shouldn't borrow the expensive things from others?

  4. Do you know any companies borrowed the ideas, or products, or service, from others? Why?

  5. Give me an instance that you had a problem to borrow something.

  6. What is the cause of the problem?

2019-11-26Part 1

  1. Where are you living nowadays?

  2. what do you like most about your area?

  3. What is bad things (traffic, pollution...)in your area?

  4. Do you intend to stay in this area in future?

2019-11-26Part 1

  1. Do you like music?

  2. When do you usually listen to music?

  3. What kind of music did you like when you were younger?

  4. Do you like to hear music alone or with groups?

2019-11-26Part 1

  1. How often do you eat with your family?

  2. Do you like eating healthy food?

  3. Do you eat out a lot?

  4. Do you prefer eating at home or a restaurant?

2019-11-26Part 1

  1. Do you recycle stuff?

  2. How do you feel when you see trash lying on roads?

  3. Is it important to have recycle bins?

  4. Do you influence others to use recycle bins?

2019-11-26Part 2

Talk about an unusual holiday you had.

You should say:

  • When and where you had it

  • Who you went it with

  • What you did

  • and explain why you think it was unusual.

2019-11-26Part 2

Describe a person who is good at his/her work.

You should say:

  • who this person is

  • what his or her job is

  • How well he/she manages his/her work

  • and explain why this person is good at the job.

2019-11-26Part 3

  1. What are the popular attractions that people in your country enjoy going to?

  2. How important is it for people to take holidays?

  3. What do people usually do during long holidays?

  4. Why do some people visit a foreign country rather than their own country for a holiday?

  5. Do you think its important to explore your own country before you visit a foreign country?

  6. Do you think younger generations are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad?

2019-11-26Part 3

  1. Do you think it is important for a business to adapt to change?

  2. How should companies train their staff on new technology?

  3. How can a new employee learn something new at work?

  4. Do you think what you learn in university will help in your future job?

  5. Do you think manager should be strict? Why or why not?

  6. Under which circumstances should a manager be strict?

  7. What qualities should a manager should have?

2019-11-25Part 1

  1. Why did you choose this job?

  2. Why is your job important to you?

  3. What are your responsibilities at work?

  4. Is your work interesting? Why?

  5. Do you think it is important to spend time with your colleagues/clients?

  6. What is more important at work place, people you work with, or environment?

  7. What are the ways you can improve your skills at work?

  8. What would you change about your job?

2019-11-25Part 1

  1. Do you like your voice?

  2. Did you have the same voice in your childhood?

  3. Does your voice match with any of your family members? Why?

  4. Has your voice ever changed?

  5. Have you ever listened to your own voice?

  6. Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

2019-11-25Part 1

  1. Are you interested in wild life?

  2. Did you ever see wild animal?

  3. What is your favorite wild animal? Why?

  4. Should wild animals be protected?

  5. How do you feel when you see animal at zoo?

  6. What are the disadvantages of hunting animals?

  7. What is the importance of animals to children?

2019-11-25Part 1

  1. Are you an organised person?

  2. Would you say you are good organizer?

  3. How do you organize your time?

  4. How do you handle the tasks which you had missed?

  5. Tell me about your organization skills.

2019-11-25Part 1

  1. Are you a patient person?

  2. Is it important to be patient? Why? Why not?

  3. Are you more patient now than you were younger? Why?

  4. How patience is important in study and at work?

  5. Do you think many people today are running out of patience? Why?

  6. How do you feel when some people make you wait?

2019-11-25Part 2

Describe a time you heard a stranger talking on the phone in the public place.

You should say:

  • when you heard it

  • where you heard it

  • what he/she was talking about

  • how you felt about this

2019-11-25Part 2

Describe a new public place/building you would like to visit.

You should say:

  • where it is

  • what it is like

  • how you knew this place

  • and explain why you would like to visit it.

2019-11-25Part 3

  1. Do some people like to talk on mobile phones in public transport? Why?

  2. Do you think some people behave badly to strangers?

  3. What should we do with bad behaving people, ignore, or should tell them about it?

  4. What can we do to improve people's behavior?

  5. Are people more silent in public than before?

  6. Why can’t some people stay in silence in the public place?

  7. What is your opinion about silence in the public place?

2019-11-25Part 3

  1. In your country, what kinds of public buildings do people like to visit ?

  2. What is most important to a public building, design, location, or facilities?

  3. Do you think the appearance of a building is important?

  4. Which is more important, preserving old buildings, or building new ones?

2019-11-23Part 1

  1. Do you walk daily?

  2. Why do you walk?

  3. Where do you walk to?

  4. Where do people in your country usually go for walking?

  5. Do you think you walk enough?

  6. Do you think people will walk more or not in the future?

  7. Do you walk more often than in the past?

2019-11-23Part 2

Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room.

You should say:

  • where it is

  • how you got it

  • And explain why you like it

2019-11-23Part 2

Talk about a traditional product (e.g. food, handicraft…) from your local region.

  • What it is

  • What it is like

  • How it is made

  • And explain why it is popular.

2019-11-23Part 2

Describe an indoor activity that you would like to play.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • how often you play it

  • how you play it

  • why you you would like to play.

2019-11-23Part 3

  1. Do you think children should have art classes from the beginning?

  2. What are the benefits of learning painting for children?

  3. Do you think photography is a good profession?

  4. Why is art so expensive?

  5. What skills does a photographer/artist need?

  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smartphones?

  7. Do you think photographers are artists?

2019-11-23Part 3

  1. What imported products are popular in your country?

  2. What are the effects of imported products to your country?

  3. What are some of the main food products that your country produces?

  4. Do you think it's important that a country is self-sufficient in food?

  5. Do you think the globalization of industry and commerce is a good thing?

  6. Do you think every country should make everything it needs or should it import some things?

2019-11-23Part 3

  1. Do you think it is important for people to play games? Why?

  2. Which game do most of the young generation play in your country?

  3. Do you think adults should play mobile games? Why?

  4. What do you think of people spending too much time playing computer games?

  5. Is teamwork important to individuals?

  6. What qualities should team leaders have?

  7. Why do young generations of the present age have a negative attitude towards outdoor games?

2019-11-22Part 1

  1. When do you need to be focused?

  2. Does your job require being focused?

  3. Can you do two things at the same time?

  4. Can you concentrate if it is noisy?

  5. What can you do to regain your focus?

  6. Why is concentration necessary?

2019-11-22Part 1

  1. Do you like wearing jeans? Why?

  2. How often do you wear jeans?

  3. Do you wear jeans at your workplace?

  4. Do you prefer to wear brands jeans?

  5. How much do you spend on jeans?

  6. Why are jeans popular all over the world?

2019-11-22Part 2

Talk about a happy day you would like to have.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • where will it be

  • who you are with

  • why it will be your happy day.

2019-11-22Part 2

Talk about a time when you were with people and you got bored.

You should say:

  • what happened

  • who you were there with

  • and explain why you felt bored.

2019-11-22Part 2

Describe a school you went to in your childhood.

You should say:

  • where it was

  • what you learned there

  • what are some memories from that school

  • whether you would send your children to that school.

2019-11-22Part 2

Talk about a toy which you enjoyed the most in your childhood.

  • What it was

  • Where you got it from

  • Who you played with

  • How you enjoyed playing with it.

2019-11-22Part 3

  1. What is the most popular happy day in your country?

  2. How do people celebrate the happy days in your country?

  3. What does happiness mean in life?

  4. Are people happy since birth? Why?

  5. Spending too much money on birthday is good or bad?

  6. Do you think money can make people happy?

  7. Are people more happy than before? Why or why not?

  8. Why do some people look so happy than other?

2019-11-22Part 3

  1. What kind of jobs is boring?

  2. Why do some people stay in boring jobs?

  3. What can people do to stop feeling boring?

  4. Do you think technology product can make the life more interesting? Why?

  5. Do technology made life good or worst? Why?

  6. Do you think robots are stealing our jobs?

  7. Can robots replace human workers? Why?

2019-11-22Part 3

  1. Should children be allowed to decide the subjects taught in schools? Why?

  2. Do you think schools should teach how to find the right job or how to build their interests?

  3. Who is responsible for children's education, parents, or school?

  4. What role can a teacher play in helping a child follow his passion?

  5. Can technology change teacher's role?

  6. How government in your country can improve the current education system?

  7. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?

  8. What qualities should a school have?

2019-11-22Part 3

  1. What is your opinion about commercial advertisements aimed at children?

  2. Do you think toy manufacturers make educational toys or just toys for profit?

  3. Do you think toys that you played with in your childhood are different from modern ones? Why?

  4. How does brand influence parents purchasing decisions?

  5. Do you think the peer pressure is among children owning a brand product? Why?

  6. Do you think parents have a responsibility to selecting Internet games for children?

  7. What are the benefits of outdoor team games for children?

2019-11-21Part 2

Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake.

You should say:

  • When it happened

  • Why you were sleepy

  • And explain why you had to stay awake.

2019-11-21Part 3

  1. What kind of people lack sleep?

  2. Why do people feel tired a lot nowadays?

  3. How do people keep awake when they are tired?

  4. What occasions do people need to keep awake even though they feel tired?

  5. How does social media affect people's self estimation?

  6. Does social media bring the pressures on people?

  7. How can it be prevented?

  8. Will pressure by social media to people decrease or increase? Why?

2019-11-20Part 1

  1. Where do you live, apartment, house, or flat?

  2. Why do you live in an apartment or house?

  3. How long have you lived there?

  4. Which is your favorite room? Why?

  5. Do you plan to move to another place in the future?

2019-11-20Part 1

  1. Do you often use social websites? Why?

  2. What is your favorite website?

  3. What kind of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?

  4. What are the advantages of social websites?

  5. Is it a good idea for people to spend more time on social websites?

  6. Would you like to spend more time on social websites? Why?

2019-11-20Part 2

Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal recently.

You should say:

  • who the person is

  • what he/she encourage you for

  • how he/she encouraged you

  • Explain how this encouragement was important for you .

2019-11-20Part 3

  1. Is money the best motivation for employees?

  2. How can managers motivate their staff?

  3. Apart from money, what other things can be used to motivate employees?

  4. Do you think self motivation is important? Why?

  5. Why do some people seem to be more motivated? What could be the reason?

  6. What are the factors affecting people to get motivated?

  7. How should children at young age get motivated?

2019-11-19Part 1

  1. Do you like vegetables?

  2. Do most people eat vegetables with their meal in your country?

  3. Do you like growing fresh vegetables?

  4. Is growing fresh vegetables popular in your country?

2019-11-19Part 2

Talk about a situation when you celebrated your achievement.

You should say:

  • what you did

  • when you celebrated it

  • who you celebrated it with

  • and explain why you celebrated it.

2019-11-19Part 3

  1. What are the cultural celebrations in your home country?

  2. What are the national events that celebrate in your home country?

  3. Do you think it is fair to spend money on these celebrations/events?

  4. In your country how does a birth of a child is celebrated?

  5. How do people celebrate their family events in your country?

  6. Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

2019-11-16Part 1

  1. Have you ever made new friends online?

  2. What do you think makes good friends?

  3. Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?

  4. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

  5. Do you consider yourself a good friend?

  6. Do you have any friend living in foreign county?

2019-11-16Part 1

  1. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

  2. Did you prefer to play outside or inside when you were young?

  3. Did you often go over to your friends’ house when you were young?

  4. What did you play in your childhood?

  5. Is it important for children to play outdoors? Why?

2019-11-16Part 2

Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.

You should say:

  • where you watched it

  • what it was about

  • who you watched it with

  • and explain why you want to share it with friends

2019-11-16Part 3

  1. Do you agree with paying some actors a lot of money? Why?

  2. What makes a good actor?

  3. How can films be beneficial to a country?

  4. Should countries spend a lot of money on films? Why?

  5. What kinds of films do young people like to watch in your country?

  6. Do people choose to watch movies in the cinema than people did in the past? Why?

  7. Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. Where do you study?

  2. Why did you choose that subject?

  3. Is there something that helps you to study efficiently?

  4. Who is more important for you, teacher, or friends?

  5. What do you like the most about your studies?

  6. What facilities do university provide?

  7. Is there anything you want to change in your university?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. Do you always have this hairstyle?

  2. How often do you have your haircut?

  3. What’s your favorite hairstyle?

  4. Do you often change your hairstyle?

  5. Do you go to barber’s shop a lot?

  6. Will you color your hair in future?

  7. Do you ever feel bad because of your hairstyle?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. What is your favorite festival?

  2. How do you celebrate the festival?

  3. What is the most important festival in your country? Why?

  4. Do you like Western festivals?

  5. Where do people usually go during festival?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. Do you often wear makeup?

  2. What does wearing makeup mean to you?

  3. Have you ever bought makeup as gifts?

  4. What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. Did you ever see wild animal?

  2. What is your favorite wild animal? Why?

  3. Should wild animals be protected?

  4. How do you feel when you see animal at zoo?

  5. What are the disadvantages of hunting animals?

2019-11-15Part 1

  1. Do you enjoy visiting street markets?

  2. Are there many street markets in your country?

  3. Why do people like street markets?

  4. Do you prefer going to street markets over shopping malls? Why?

  5. Would you like to go to street market of foreign country? Why?

2019-11-15Part 2

Talk about a toy which you received in your childhood.

  • What the type of toy is

  • When and who has given

  • How you enjoyed playing with it.

2019-11-15Part 2

Talk about a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft…) from your local region.

  • What it is

  • What it is like

  • How it is made

  • And explain why it is popular.

2019-11-15Part 2

Describe an interesting conversation you had.

You should say:

  • when and where you had it

  • whom you were with

  • why it was interesting

  • And explain how you felt after that.

2019-11-15Part 2

Talk about a historical building you visited recently and you want to study more about.

You should say:

  • where the building is

  • how it looks like

  • what the special features of that are

  • why you like to study more about that building.

2019-11-15Part 3

  1. Should children choose their own presents?

  2. What is your opinion about commercial advertisements aimed at children?

  3. Do you think toy manufacturers make educational toys or just toys for profit?

  4. Do you think toys that you played with in your childhood are different from modern ones? Why?

  5. Do you think parents let their children play with toys for too long instead of engaging them in other activities?

  6. How does brand influence parents purchasing decisions?

  7. Do you think the peer pressure is among children owning a brand product? Why?

2019-11-15Part 3

  1. What imported products are popular in your country?

  2. What are the effects of imported products to your country?

  3. What are some of the main food products that your country produces?

  4. Do you think it's important that a country is self-sufficient in food?

  5. Do you think the globalization of industry and commerce is a good thing?

  6. Do you think every country should make everything it needs or should it import some things?

2019-11-15Part 3

  1. What is the difference between man and women conversation? Why?

  2. What is the difference between face to face conversation and on phone?

  3. Why do some people get nervous while giving a public speaking?

  4. Why is body language important?

  5. Do you think humor is important in presentation? Why?

  6. Do you think it is necessary to use visual aids during oral presentation? Why?

2019-11-15Part 3

  1. Which one do you prefer, modern buildings, or old buildings?

  2. How can people discover historical sites?

  3. Why do people like to visit historical building?

  4. Do you think people entry fee should be free for the historical building?

  5. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

  6. Do most people agree to the government's funding to protect historical buildings?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. Where are you living nowadays?

  2. what do you like most about your area?

  3. What is bad things in your area?

  4. Do you intend to stay in this area in future?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. What makes a good leader?

  2. Why should a child participate in a team?

  3. How has technology made team sports fair?

  4. Is there a growing interest in team sports?

  5. Is it important for countries to hold international sports competition?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. Have you ever made new friends online?

  2. What do you think makes good friends?

  3. Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?

  4. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

  5. Do you consider yourself a good friend?

  6. Do you have any friend living in foreign county?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. Have you ever made new friends online?

  2. What do you think makes good friends?

  3. Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?

  4. What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

  5. Do you consider yourself a good friend?

  6. Do you have any friend living in foreign county?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?

  2. Do people drink a lot of tea and coffee in your country?

  3. Do you often go out for tea or coffee?

  4. Would you invite a friend to drink tea or coffee?

  5. When did you last time drink tea or coffee?

  6. In your country, what do you offer to the guests, tea or coffee?

2019-11-14Part 1

  1. Is there a forest near your hometown?

  2. When was the last time you went to a forest?

  3. Do you like going to a forest if you are free?

2019-11-14Part 2

Describer an occasion when someone didn’t tell you the truth.

You should say:

  • how the situation was

  • who the person was

  • how you came to know about it

  • How you felt about it.

2019-11-14Part 2

Describe a time when you bought something for someone.

You should say:

  • when you bought

  • what you bought

  • who you bought it for

  • and explain how you felt about buying it for them.

2019-11-14Part 3

  1. What are reliable sources of information?

  2. Do you believe in the information from internet?

  3. Do you think it is a good practice to lie sometimes for good reasons? Why?

  4. What are consequences of telling lie?

  5. Do you think a single lie leads to more lies, to hide it?

  6. Why is honesty important for kids?

  7. Why do some people tell truth to strangers but not to friends?

2019-11-14Part 3

  1. Do you think we will stop using paper money in the future?

  2. How do companies encourage the consumer to spend their money?

  3. What do you think shops need to do to create a positive shopping experience?

  4. Is it a good idea to save money? Why?

  5. What typical things can visitors to your country buy?

  6. What things do young people like to buy in your country?

  7. Do you think that people are happier if they have money? Why?

  8. What can shops do to make shopping more pleasant for their customers?

  9. Do you think that in the future people will do most of their shopping online? Why or Why not?

2019-11-13Part 1

  1. What do you do?

  2. Why did you choose this job?

  3. Why is your job important to you?

  4. What are your responsibilities at work?

  5. Do you think it is important to spend time with your colleagues/clients?

  6. What is more important at work place, people you work with, or environment?

  7. What are the ways you can improve your skills at work?

  8. What would you change about your job?

2019-11-13Part 1

  1. Do you like wearing perfume?

  2. What kind of perfume do you prefer?

  3. Is there a special brand of perfume you like?

  4. Have you bought yourself a bottle of perfume?

  5. Have you ever bought a perfume as a gift?

2019-11-13Part 1

  1. Is there anything being polluted in your hometown?

  2. What are the common types of pollution in the countryside?

  3. What are the causes of those pollution?

  4. What do you do to prevent our environment from pollution?

  5. Have you ever participated in any environmental events?

2019-11-13Part 2

Describe a place where you can read and write (not your home).

You should say:

  • where it is

  • how often you go there

  • and explain why it is better place to read and write.


2019-11-13: Part 2

Describe a situation that your vehicle broke down during your travel.

You should say:

  • where you were going

  • who you were there with

  • how long it took to fix the vehicle

  • and explain how you felt about it.

2019-11-13Part 3

  1. At what age should a child start reading and writing?

  2. Is it school's responsibility to take care of children's reading and writing? Why?

  3. Which place is better for children reading and writing, home, or school? Why?

  4. What is the importance of reading and writing for children?

  5. Do you think reading and writing is important in our lives? Why?

2019-11-13Part 3

  1. What kind of transport is popular in your country?

  2. Why do some people use private transport rather than public transport?

  3. Do you think people are using more car nowadays than in the past?

  4. What will happen when there are more cars?

  5. Are the buses comfortable in your country? Why?

  6. How to improve public transportation to help people?

  7. What steps should the government take to make things better for the pedestrians?

2019-11-11Part 1

  1. Do you like wearing jeans? Why?

  2. How often do you wear jeans?

  3. Do you wear jeans at your workplace?

  4. Do you prefer to wear brands jeans?

  5. How much do you spend on jeans?

  6. Why are jeans popular all over the world?

2019-11-11Part 2

Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work.

You should say:

  • what kind of advice was

  • who you received it from

  • what you did after receiving it

  • Do you like to take advice from others?

2019-11-11Part 3

  1. Why do young people think that it hard to make career choices?

  2. How and who influence students to choose the particular field?

  3. What professions do youngsters are choosing these days? Why are they opting for these?

  4. Do you think youngsters are getting influenced by others in choosing professions?

  5. Is it a good thing that they are following their role models?

  6. Do you think retirement age should be increased?

  7. Can old people work even after retiring?

  8. In what way they can help society after retirement?

2019-11-10Part 1

  1. Do you like to read?

  2. Are you reading a book presently?

  3. Did you like to read in your younger days?

  4. What type of books do you read?

  5. Do you read for pleasure or academic?

2019-11-10Part 1

  1. What things make you tired usually?

  2. What do you do when you feel tired?

  3. Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your families?

  4. Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?

  5. Would you like to write a book in the future?

2019-11-10Part 2

Describe a person who has creative ideas and opinions.

You should say:

  • who he is

  • how you knew him

  • why you think he has creative ideas or opinions.

2019-11-10Part 3

  1. At what age do you think children start developing ideas and opinions?

  2. Why is it important to listen to children's views and opinions?

  3. Do you think parents can help children to develop their creative ideas or to suppress them?

  4. Do teachers affect in developing ideas and opinions of children?

  5. How do people come up with new ideas?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. Where do you live, apartment, house, or flat?

  2. Why do you live in an apartment or house?

  3. How long have you lived there?

  4. Which is your favorite room? Why?

  5. Do you plan to move to another place in the future?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. When do you smile the most?

  2. When did you last see a bunch of people smiling?

  3. How can you identify a fake smile?

  4. Do you often smile when taking photos? Why?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. Do you have a hobby?

  2. What equipment do you need for it?

  3. Do you think hobbies should be shared with other people?

  4. Did you have a hobby as a child?

  5. What hobbies are popular in your country?

  6. Why do you think people have hobbies?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. Do you like travelling?

  2. Why is travelling important to you?

  3. Where is best place for vacation in your country? Why?

  4. Do you want to travel the world? Why?

  5. Would you take a job that requires you to travel to different countries?

  6. What challenges did you face when you were traveling?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. Who do you trust most?

  2. What kind of people do you trust?

  3. Have you ever lost trust in someone?

  4. Do you trust the Internet?

  5. Do you trust artificial intelligence?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. What do people usually do with rubbish and recycling in your country?

  2. What do you feel when you saw some rubbish materials on the road?

  3. In your opinion, why do some people throw that rubbish on the road?

  4. Do you ever recycled paper and plastic?

2019-11-09Part 1

  1. Do you like to go to countryside? Why?

  2. Have you ever lived in countryside?

  3. Will you live in the countryside in the future?

  4. Do you enjoy living in the countryside?

  5. What do you usually do when you go there?

2019-11-09Part 2

Describe a time you invited a friend to eat meal at home/restaurant.

You should say:

  • who cooked the meal

  • when and why you invited him

  • what meal you treated him with

  • how you felt after the meal.

2019-11-09Part 2

Describe a place where you went with friends

You should say:

  • Where you went

  • What you did there

  • Who you were with

  • And explain why it was a memorable experience.

2019-11-09Part 2

Describe a good experience of online shopping.

You should say:

  • when it happened

  • what you bought

  • why you bought it

  • and explain why you think it was a good experience.

2019-11-09Part 2

Talk about a time you were given the wrong information.

You should say:

  • what it was

  • who gave to you

  • why you found it is wrong information

  • and explain how you felt about this.

2019-11-09Part 3

  1. Do people in your country prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?

  2. What would you say the benefits and drawbacks of eating in a restaurant are?

  3. What do people usually cook for special festivals in your country?

  4. More and more people are having their meals delivered, so would people cook at home?

  5. What do you think the impact of technology on food industry?

  6. Is technology beneficial in agriculture? Why?

2019-11-09Part 3

  1. What life skills can you learn from hanging out with friends?

  2. Do you think humans can live a life without each other? Why?

  3. Do you think humans need social interaction to survive?

  4. Why do some people live isolated lives?

  5. Who should people spend more time? Family or friends, Why?

  6. What is the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?

  7. Has science and technology improved the relationship between people?

2019-11-09Part 3

  1. Why do young people prefer to shop online?

  2. Do people buy things lavishly these days? Why?

  3. How do you think shopping will be different in the future with now?

  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?

2019-11-09Part 3

  1. How can information be correctly transferred through email or phone?

  2. How can people express themselves better?

  3. Who are better in giving out information between men and women?

  4. Where is an organization you can get information?

  5. Will the lack of face to face communication affect the next generation?

  6. How can someone tell if the information they receive is right or wrong?

  7. Would you say people trust the information that is found online?

2019-11-07Part 1

  1. Do you like shopping?

  2. Are there many shops where you live?

  3. What’s your favorite shop?

  4. Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?

  5. Have you ever bought anything online?

  6. What is the difference between small shops of your town and international shops?

  7. Do you make shopping when you travel?

2019-11-07Part 2

Describe a favorite piece of clothing.

You should say:

  • what the item is

  • how often you wear it

  • why you like it

  • whether my friends like the same item that I described.

2019-11-07Part 2

Talk about a happy day you would like to have.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • where will it be

  • who you are with

  • why it will be your happy day.

2019-11-07Part 3

  1. How do people dress in your country?

  2. Do people wear a specific outfit on a specific occasion in your country?

  3. Do people's dress changed over time? Why?

  4. Is it important for school children to wear a uniform? Why, or why not?

  5. What children can learn from dressing a uniform?

  6. Do you think fashion is important? Why?

  7. What do you think the fashion differences between the old and young generation?

2019-11-07Part 3

  1. Do you think people really enjoy nature like you say?

  2. What does happiness mean in life?

  3. Are people happy since birth? Why?

  4. Do you think money can make people happy?

  5. Are people more happy than before? Why or why not?

  6. Why do some people look so happy than other?

2019-11-05Part 1

  1. When do you need to be focused?

  2. Does your job require being focused?

  3. Can you do two things at the same time?

  4. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate on something?

  5. What can you do to regain your focus?

  6. Why is concentration necessary?

Article is taken from https://www.examword.com/ielts-practice/speaking-exam-question