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Latest IELTS listening memories November 2019






  1. work phone: 0427 139 684

  2. moving from: Somerton Australia

  3. two adults, one child(almost 3 years old)

  4. type of accommodation: flat

  5. location: in the North

  6. special requirement: close to a park

  7. would like a pool

  8. rent: prepare to pay a maximum of $650

  9. moving-in date: by 15 December

  10. organize a hotel for August 31st.





  11. near the lake

  12. picnic and blanket

  13. display of flowers

  14. buses run from the town center every 20 minutes

  15. the motor/cars show

  16. in the art gallery

  17. in the concert hall

  18. Saturday matinee performance at 2:30 pm.

  19. in the Spring Festival competition, you can win

  C. a flight in a hot air balloon

  20. you can get an entry form for the competition from

  B. the newspaper





  21. restaurant --- C too strict

  22. coffee bar --- E boring

  23. cleaning --- D too noisy

  24. shop display --- A not well organized

  25. reception --- G cover a wide range of work

  26. personal service --- F the staff are lack of patience

  27. what's the advantage of internship?

  C. Benefit the current study

  28. who does she suggest the man to ask advice from?

  C. career office

  29. why does the woman do a presentation?

  C. to demonstrate how to do the presentation

  30. what's the man's task?

  C. use video's approach





  31. the experiment or research is

  C. surprising

  32. the ape experiment shows that problem is

  C. they do not provide real language

  33. those who wouldn't accept that animals can communicate

  B. lack reasoning ability and do not know how to infer

  34. what do people tend to use to measure the intelligence of animals

  A. thinking based on experience

  35. rat is better in its sense of

  A. smell

  36. horse can use landmarks to find way home

  37. sheep can recognize faces of people/human

  38. birds share something common with human in that they have good eyesight

  39. people think that animal do not think,regarding animal as machines or robots

  40. in future, people should pay more attention to what animals can do well






  1. moderate

  2. park with good view

  3. A mountain of food view pool under waterfall

  4. museum in the central of town

  5. can see lots of flowers

  6. Painting of fish in the caves cafe and seafood

  7. how to get the working place, you can take the No.279 bus directly there

  8. today is weekday so the last bus time is 5:30 p.m.

  9. you will get off the bus at the bridge stop

  10. if you pay the fee, you will get a map after buying the family ticket





  11. When was this art gallery open to the public

  A. 1885

  B. It was built in 1887

  C. Year 1888

  12. The former owner of the art gallery wanted it to be

  A. Textile

  B. Design

  C. the oil painting

  13. The biggest capital from donation funded by

  A. local government

  B. Public

  C. National fund

  14. What will be open to public?

  A. An education center

  B. Sculpture garden

  15. Visits’ attention

  A. Should book online

  B. Tickets should use in a certain time

  C. Free to children

  16. multimedia room --- E

  17. tea house --- A

  18. the web room --- B

  19. café --- C

  20. shop --- D



  内容概述---老师和学生讨论Willows 家具公司


  21. What’s the current field of the business of the company?

  A. Specialized in one product

  22. How the company contact with the department?

  B. read an article in a newspaper

  23. How the students think about the software?

  A. Not easy to predict

  24. How did the students know the effects of software to the company?

  C. Inspected the account

  25. Why the students have the face-to-face interview?

  A. Less disturbance

  26. What is supervisor’s attitude toward the feedback?

  B. Above the average

  27-28. How will the new system benefit the company?

  C. Employ more new staff

  E. Cut labor cost

  29-30. What effects will the new system bring to the clients?

  C. Get more involved in design

  E. save more time /less time





  31. More effects on pedestrian access instead of traffic

  32. Should install some warning signs

  33. should also consider storage

  34. Signposts should be noticed in the dark

  35. On the road, some stickers should be placed

  36. For CCTV regulation, some cameras were used in the past, but now they use boxes for security

  37. By the street, bins should also be arranged

  38. City planning aims to improve traffic circulation

  39. All the street furniture should be durable

  40. Introduction of some legal requirement


The content are retrieved from https://www.smartstudy.com/ielts/article/118072.html